Definitely saw a difference!!
Ok, this may be a little TMI…but, hey…what I’m about to say is the real deal. My cycles come every 26 days and flow lasts for 5 days. I sometimes experience terrible butt pain and always get the feeling that everything didn’t come out…I also tend to bleed most times I have intercourse.
So, before my December cycle I steamed 3 times over a 3 week period. Once my December cycle came, it was PAINLESS, HEAVY, FULL OF CLOTS & lasted 7 days!!!!!! I truly felt like whatever was “stuck” was released!!!
My January cycle was MUCH lighter, painless, & lasted for my regular 5 days ANNNND, there was no breakthrough bleeding during intercourse…not 1 drop.
So, in my experience, this stuff is a true winner so far!