Vibrant Souls Wellness

Post-Partum Yoni Steaming... History and Benefits
Post-partum yoni steaming represents a blend of ancient wisdom and modern sensibility—an invitation for women to reclaim their bodies, nurture their well-being, and embrace the journey of motherhoo...
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The Benefits of Vaginal Steam in Peri and Post Menopause
The Benefits of Vaginal Steam in Peri and Post Menopause As women transition through the phases of peri ...
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Sync Your Menstrual Cycle to the Moon
Throughout history, wisdom traditions have recognized the interconnection between women's menstrual cycles and the lunar phases. As the moon goes through its different phases over the course of 28 ...
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Dr. Rosita Arvigo, DN on Vaginal Steams
We have seen absolutely astounding and universal results from vaginal steaming. The results are clear. It’s right there! It really does a lot to relieve menstrual pain, and it doesn’t really matter...
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So... I Steamed My Vagina. Now What?
While surfing the web not long ago, you did a double take when you came across a headline that read “Steam Your Vagina!” “Steam my WHAT?” you thought. Hearing all the potential benefits, you decid...
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Keep It Luscious! Vaginal Health Tips For Women Like You
You're a busy gal, but you love to take care of yourself, especially when it comes to keeping your vagina in good working order. Here are some quick and easy ways you can ensure that your beautifu...
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8 Steps to Maintaining a Healthy Reproductive System
You can support your reproductive system to work more efficiently and effectively, which comes with a whole host of health and sexual benefits, and you can do so using natural remedies, and someti...
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Top 7 reasons you should yoni steam
A little louder for those in the back: the ancient practice of yoni steaming is being fervently revived by countless women today. But, you might still be wondering why exactly so many ladies are sq...
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Bring The Spa Home! 4 Simple Ways To Steam Your Yoni
“How am I going to get that bowl of steaming water and herbs below my yoni?” If the very thought of squatting over a pot for 30 minutes makes your quads burn, then this post is for you. Learn 4 ea...
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The Ayurvedic Perspective on Fertility | Tending the Garden Within
If having a baby is on your heart and mind, you are embarking on a beautiful journey — one that is fun and exciting, but it can also feel scary, complex, and even frustrating. So Iet’s bring it dow...
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